Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Le First Post

Hi there! I'm Kiran, but you probably already knew that. I decided to start a whole new blog where it would be 100% personal. I like to document 80% of the stuff that happens to me either via Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram (and occasionally Facebook), but I decided to document everything neatly in one place. I like to go back and see what's happened in my life, nostalgia is always fun, so that's primarily the reason why I have started this blog - but also, as I said I like to document and share. So, this is my blog. I will be posting here as much as I can (I'm pretty much always online if I'm not at college, work or sleeping) so it will be updated frequently. I'll be posting personal entries as well as hauls, reviews (of various things such as books, movies, beauty products, non-beauty products etc).

I've been meaning to start this blog for a long time, I have a private blog somewhere on the Internet that no ones knows about ( :P ) but I wanted one where people can creep, and this is the one. So I hope you enjoy my blog, and this is it for my first post!

-Kiran (Princess Booba of Asgard and Champion of the Earth)

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© Kiran Hayre
Maira Gall