Thursday 21 August 2014

Book Review // Stoner by John Williams

Today I have something a little different to my usual posts; a book review. I love reading and have done since forever and am always reading something. I recently just finished Stoner by John Williams which was recommended to me by a friend. I thought the novel was so moving that I had to share my thoughts on it.

Stoner was written in 1965 and is an American novel written by John Williams. It follows the story of William Stoner, who is an ordinary man who leads an ordinary life. The novel is realism at its finest; I was instantly immersed and constantly had my nose in the book, if I wasn't reading I was thinking about Stoner and what was going to happen next in his life.

Williams captures Stoner's thoughts and emotions so beautifully, I haven't read a novel so eloquently written in such a long time, I constantly found myself rereading extracts just so I could take it in all over again. The characterisation is quick but thought through, you can see the changes within Stoner as he grows older but they are in no means rushed. Stoner grows and changes as any other ordinary person would.

The events that take place throughout Stoner's life are not too exhilarating or exciting, but are real, raw and more often than not, sad. There are moments where I had a tear welling up in my eye, and by the end, during Stoner's last days, (which were captured so stunningly) I let them fall.

If you're looking for a relaxed read but something that will stay with you for a long time, then I highly recommend Stoner. To see more of my recommendations (and books I don't recommend) check out my Good Reads profile.

-Kiran xo

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