Thursday 13 June 2013

Enough Food - Big IF London

Enough Food IF 
The IF Campaign is set out to put a stop to world hunger. There is enough food for every single person on this planet, so why are children dying due to being severely malnourished every single day?
Almost one billion people live below the poverty line, and two million children die each year due to malnutrition. You may be aware that I took part in Live Below The Line from May 29th to June 3rd, where I lived on £1 food and drink a day. 


The IF Campaign is something I am quite passionate about, so when I got the email to join campaigners from all around the UK to support IF I was more than happy to do so. Thus on Saturday 8th, Emma and I headed down to Hyde Park for the Big IF event. 

We arrived halfway during the event (as it was a mission to get there, thanks, TFL!) but we managed to see a few speeches, sign some petitions, share a minute's silence and plant a flower which added to the installation. Each petal represented one child who dies from hunger every year. The minute's silence was absolutely astonishing to me, as Hyde Park was quiet, yes, Hyde Park on the very lovely sunny Saturday was quiet. 

Over 45,00 people came out to support and campaign which was incredible and I am so proud to have been a part of that number, we were apart of very important history. 

At the end of the day it was announced that $4.1 billion had been raised to help put a stop to the injustice that is world hunger. 

However there is so much more that needs to be done, and I will continue making noise and supporting IF until world hunger no longer exists. To find out more check out the IF website and follow them on Twitter, Facebook and all the other main social networking sites to be constantly updated. Sign up to the newsletter too as this is a very easy to sign petitions which do actually help. You can buy a wristband, add a Twibbon, sign a petition, email your MP just start making noise!

Spread the word, we need to be loud and we won't be ignored. 

-Kiran xo

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© Kiran Hayre
Maira Gall