Saturday 6 December 2014

Current Skincare Favourites

I've discovered a few new awesome skin care products in the last few months and I thought I would share my thoughts with you all, because sharing is caring.

You may remember I went to the ARK Press Event back in September (post here) and was gifted two of their products. I have come back to report that these products are great, and I am very interested in trying more from ARK. First we have the Anti-Ageing Skin Protector which is essentially a primer and SPF combined - genius. It has SPF 30 which is incredible as I don't use SPF - I know, I know, bad Kiran, But I use this most mornings before I go in with my foundation and it's a lovely primer, it's not heavy at all and hydrates the skin just that little bit further, it's not tacky and it has a really lovely almost herbal scent. I find make up goes on top of this very well.
Next is the Regenerating Skin Defence, which yes, is quite a pricey product, but it's so, so good. It's essentially a serum, and I use this every single morning after I have toned and before I moisturise. Again this has quite a natural, herbal scent which I love. I find one twist provides the right amount of product for the entire face which makes life a little easier. It doesn't feel heavy or tacky, it sinks into the skin very quickly and injects moisture instantly, leaving the skin feeling quite silky smooth and ready for the next step. An interesting thing to point out with this product is that it is targeted towards people who have hyper-pigmentation, a skin concern I have, and I have honestly found this to help with marks and scarring by increasing the time it takes for them to fade.

Onto masks, first we have a fresh mask from Lush, Catastrophe Cosmetic which is the yummy blueberry one. Blueberries are full of antioxidants so this mask really helps to cleanse and calm the skin. Every time I use this I notice my skin looks clearer and it feels so smooth and soft, and I smell like blueberries for the rest of the day so it's great. It's also worth mentioning this mask is also quite a moisturising one, something the dry-skinned folks out there might be interested in perhaps?

Next is one of the cheapest products I own, the Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque. Wow, this stuff is just purely awesome. Firstly, it looks, smells and feels like toothpaste. Yes, you do look like Elphaba from Wicked when using this, but defying gravity is not something this product helps with, instead it helps with clearing up your skin and getting rid of any uninvited nasties that are lurking on your face, which is just as good in my opinion. This is a very highly raved about product for people who suffer with acne, and for the price, it's definitely worth checking out.

Eua Roma Water from Lush is a very lovely, hydrating toner, I spritz my face a few times before applying my serum every morning and night and I find it helps refresh my skin and prepare it for the next few steps in my routine. It has a really lovely, light rose scent and is very gentle on the skin. Definitely something I'll purchase again.
The Body Shop Vitamin C Microdermabrasion is fantastic, wow oh wow, it's good stuff. I use this once a week as any more than that would probably leave me skinless... but anyway, this just gets rid of all the dead skin cells and leaves the skin looking brighter, clearer and smoother. My mums husband even noticed my skin looked brighter after using this, like wow, hello.
I don't usually have favourite eye creams, I just feel a bit meh about most of them, but the Balance Me Wonder Eye Cream is good stuff. It's light but does a great job of leaving the eye area moisturised. Make up sits really well on top of it which is why I like to reserve this for morning use.

Thanks for reading this mammoth post, I hope you're all having a lovely December so far! Christmas is coming eeeee!

-Kiran xo

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© Kiran Hayre
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