Saturday, 2 January 2016


Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had an amazing 2015, and I hope you have an even better 2016. 2015 was one of the best years of my life, it had ups and downs but for the most part, it was filled with happiness and love. I think one of the main reasons why 2015 was good for me was because I tried to have a positive outlook on everything. Finding the silver lining is always worth it. I said yes to more things, opened up more, loved more and saw more of the world -  I wrote an email to myself via FutureMe and told myself to do these three things and I did, mainly because I said yes and because I had someone to do this with.

So, here is what I am expecting from 2016:

- Get my degree. I'm in my final year of university and am so close to the finish line! It's scary, overwhelming and exciting.
- Travel. I already have a holiday booked with the s/o's family again which is so exciting, but I'd love to go somewhere again with just him as Amsterdam was just incredible.
- Be more giving. I've always considered myself a giving person, but I want to give back even more this year, and this is not limited to charity, but also to my friends and family, even if it's something small like a coffee.
- Get a job. I want to start my career as soon as I leave university and not just work part time jobs, it's time to actually adult!
- Do yoga more. I love yoga, and have phases of being obsessed and then just being a lazy butt, but I want to really commit to it this year!
- Go on more walks. Fresh air is always good to clear the mind.
- Stay happy. 

Let'sa go, 2016!

- Kiran xo

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