Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Inexpensive Lip Care

Winter is creeping on us so the weather is turning cold and harsh as I have already mentioned. At this time of year, and I know I am not alone on this, my lips get dry and chapped. In previous years I just used to rely on Vaseline - not a good idea. I'm not a huge fan of Vaseline so much any more as I've noticed it just coats my lips (and skin) instead of actually moisturising and nourishing - therefore I have abandoned Vaseline and am now taking real good care of my lips, using inexpensive products, yay!

(Baby Lips, the Basins Lip Scrub and Rose Salve are all purchases I made while I was in Miami in the Summer therefore it may be hard trying to get your hands on them over here in the UK but you can just get similar products.)

The original Carmex is looking a bit tattered because I have had it for a couple of years but it is still going strong and doing its job. Carmex is a saviour amongst people who get dry lips - it literally wipes away all the dead skin and leaves them super smooth. When you apply it it leaves a tingly sensation on your lips - so you know it's definitely working! The cherry tube does the same thing except it leaves bit more of a glossy look to your lips and it has a cherry scent. I like to carry the tube around with me as it's easier to apply. 

I've mentioned how I use the Blistex Intensive Moisturiser here but essentially I just apply it on my lips before I go to bed and I wake up with soft, smooth lips. 

The lib scrub was actually my first lip scrub purchase, I was eyeing up Lush's lip scrub before I left for America, but while I was in Basins in Downtown Disney (haha I know) I just had to get it because it smelt amazing. You basically just apply this to wet lips, scrub it in using a circular motion with your finger then you can either wash or lick it off because it's all natural ingredients. I like to use this once or twice a week when I feel my lips need a bit more TLC.

Baby Lips is one of my favourite lip balms, firstly it smells lovely (you may have noticed I like products that smell good) and it leaves a really  pretty colour on your lips while leaving them soft and moisturised - an all in one product for a really good price. 

I love these products but I am eyeing up Nuxe's Reve de Miel Lip Balm and I will be purchasing this soon. Like really soon. I tried it on when I went to my friend Serena's house and Marta and I both fell in love with it and couldn't stop applying (and sniffing) it. So if you're in the market for a really amazing lip balm - I recommend this.

I hope you're all doing well!
-Kiran xo

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