Friday 27 September 2013

Settling Into University

Hello everyone! Long time no see, I do apologise but I've been settling into university this week! You see that gorgeous building up there? Yup, well that's the main building of my campus. I know, you can totally be jealous now.

I have had one of the best weeks of my life, I am enjoying my time here so much. I have settled into my room and I love my flat mates so much! We've already become a little family and are already discussing moving in with each other next year. I  live in a mixed flat which means there are both guys and girls, but lucky for me we're all clean freaks, woo! What's amazing is that in my flat it is so diverse, we have myself and another guy who is British, a Polish girl, an Italian girl, a Romanian guy, a Nepalese guy, a Chinese girl and a Japanese girl - incredible.

I live a little off the main campus but that's okay with me; where I live, everyone pretty much knows each other (or will) and we're like our own little community and it's so nice.

I thought I'd show you a couple of photos of my room, but I will most probably be doing a tour of my room soon!

Here's my bed, it was difficult to get used to the single but I am okay now!

My favourite section - the beauty section! The cork board is now covered with leaflets and flyers for societies as I decided to join every single on that tickled my fancy, so I'm going to be a busy girl this year! I already have a bit of reading to do for my first lectures next week! 

I can't wait to get into my course and start studying and just getting to know more people in and out my course. 

Thanks for reading!

-Kiran xo


  1. This University looks so amazing. Really cool :)

    1. Awh haha it really is. I am so glad I am studying here and am able to call it home :3 xo


© Kiran Hayre
Maira Gall