Saturday 8 December 2012

Hair Care 101

I'm not a big fan of change, and I don't like to fix things that aren't broken so some of these hair products are ones I have used basically forever. I don't do a lot to my hair, I am really lazy with it - but I like to think it works for me. I have medium-long thick, curly hair, it's a big ole' lions mane. I do love it though. It's not super hard to look after but it's not super easy either, but the products I use help me keep my lions mane at bay.

I told you I kept it simple. Clearly I love Herbal Essences. Why? Because it does the job. It cleans my hair without stripping it too much. I have used Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner for a very long time, I'm comfortable with them and I know they work for my hair. The combination of Beautiful Ends and Hello Hydration is perfect for my hair as they leave it nourished and silky. 

I wash my hair every other day, if I feel my hair needs a bit more shine, I'll use the Intensive Mask in replacement of the conditioner - it leaves my hair feeling even softer, which is always nice. I apply two pumps of Moroccan Oil (review here) to my hair after I have brushed it after a shower, so when it's damp. The Protection Cream is something I use usually on second day hair if my hair is feeling dry and my curls aren't as bouncy as they usually are. Speaking of curls - I don't usually do anything to keep them under control or stay in place but sometimes they do get a little messy, but a few sprays of the TIGI Foxy Curls Spray defines my curls and leaves my hair soft and smelling yummy. 

If I have a few hours, I like to apply Body Shop's Brazil nut Moisture Mask which essentially softens my hair and leaves it nourished. It smells great, of course, it is from Body Shop. I just apply this to damp hair and wrap it all up in a towel and laze around the house for a few hours before washing it out. The texture is sort of creamy, and it's really easy to apply.

When I do put in a little effort into my hair (that basically means when I don't roll out the bed, fix my fringe then leave the house) I like to spray it into place (well hey, I did spend more than five minutes on it!). So I use L'Oreal's Elnett Satin Diamond Hair Spray which I believe is a favourite amongst many. It's quite light weight for a hairspray, it doesn't leave my hair sticky or hard and it's easy to remove from the hair.

So that's it for my current hair care routine. I will eventually change it up, but for now these products are the ones to keep my curly locks curly and decent and not a big, frizzy mess. 

Hope you're doing well, thank you so much for reading (and for putting up with me saying 'hair' a lot)!

-Kiran xo

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© Kiran Hayre
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