Sunday 23 June 2013

Cancer Research UK: An Evening With Perfumer Sarah McCartney

© Emma Simpson
On Friday I attended a perfume event for Cancer Research UK. Sarah McCartney, a perfumer and the founder of 4160 Tuesdays, was there to develop an unique fragrance named 'A Midsummer Night's Breeze' to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

She brought a selection of a few of the perfumes she had created herself so everyone can have a sniff. She shared her expertise and explained what her technique is to developing a new fragrance.

© Emma Simpson
This little bottle was our ticket, we handed this in and in a few weeks times we'll receive a little bottle filled with the perfume she has created.

As Emma's mum was one of the lovely women in charge of hosting the event, I along with Emma, Chloe and another girl helped behind the 'bar' (well, I just sipped my champagne and smiled).

Lovely Chloe and I.
© Emma Simpson

At the end of the event we received a little goody bag full of samples from L'Occitane, I do love me some samples.

I'm a sample hoarder so they can join the other samples desperately wanting to be tested.

It was a lovely evening and it was interesting to find out how a perfumer works and what inspires them. But the purpose of this event was to raise money for Cancer Research UK, which as we all know is a very important organisation. Please check out Emma's post to find our why Cancer Research is important to her.

If you'd like to find our more about Sarah McCartney check out her website 4160Tuesdays and please visit Cancer Research for more information on how you can help.

Thanks for reading, hope you're having a lovely Sunday!

-Kiran xo

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© Kiran Hayre
Maira Gall