Monday 9 December 2013

Christmas Tag 2013

After reading Fee from Makeup Savvy's Christmas tag post, I knew I wanted to do the tag aswell. So seeing as it's officially December and the countdown for Christmas has begun, I thought it'd be the perfect time to do the 2013 Christmas tag.

1.  Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic?

I do prefer a real Christmas tree, but unfortunately I've never had one :( we always go for synthetic, but it's okay cos we always decorate it beautifully.

2.  You're in a coffee shop, it's December, what do you pick?

Well, I'm in Starbucks and I'm either going to pick an Eggnog Latte or an Orange Mocha.

3.  Whats your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?

My mum has always gone for the classic red and gold, which I do love, but I also love multi-coloured (keeping it classy of course) but I also love the look of pink, silver and blue - just looks so chic.

4.  Giving or receiving?

Both - I love buying presents for people, wrapping them up, giving it to them and then watching them opening it to see their reaction. But I also love receiving, just because I love seeing what people have seen and have gone 'ahh! Yes, Kiran will love this, I shall buy' and plus, I usually get things for Christmas that I would never usually buy myself, so that's always nice.

5.  To mince pie or not to?

To not.

6.  What's your traditional sunday lunch?

I am presuming this means a Christmas lunch... if so, then turkey, roast potatoes, carrots, peas, parsnips, yorkshire puddings, pigs in blankets, stuffing and gravy!

7.  Christmas day fashion

I just usually rock PJs but this year I have my ugly Christmas sweater ready.

8.  What's your favourite Christmas song?

Last Christmas by Wham! My mum used to sing this to me all the time when I was a child, and it was one of my favourite Wham! songs :3

9.  What's your favourite Christmas film?

Elf of course! But I also love every other Christmas movie cos they're all so magical and cute.

10.  Open presents before or after lunch?

Before, I am just way too impatient!

Thanks for reading! Sorry I've been slacking with posting but it's deadline week and I am swamped with work, but I break up for Christmas break this Friday! I can't believe the first term of uni is almost over, it's insane.

-Kiran xo

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© Kiran Hayre
Maira Gall