Friday 7 February 2014

A Day In London - 2nd February 2014

© Emma Simpson
Hey everyone, I decided to start a new series on my blog called 'A Day in London' where I post photos and talk about the day I had in London. There are so many things to do, see, eat, explore and experience and being a Londoner, I decided it was about time to take advantage of my lovely city. So to start off the series, here are some photos (most are taken by my lovely friend Emma who is amazing at photography, please go check out her travel blog. She's just come back from Singapore and Bali so definitely check it out!) from Sunday which was Chinese New Year.

© Emma Simpson

Emma and I first headed into China Town, Soho, to check out the Chinese New Year celebrations. I had to be there to undertake some ethnographic research for Theatre and Culture.

© Emma Simpson

The streets in China Town were covered in loads of red lanterns, stalls, and people dressed up as horses and rabbits... There were loads of people there, so it was hard to get through without losing patience and it was hard to enjoy the festivities.

We did, however, manage to find a less busy spot and grab a chicken bun. I got the Pearl Milk Tea from a little shop which was very busy as well.

© Emma Simpson

Soon we gave up on China Town and headed to Harrods. I had never been to Harrods before, I know, I know... So we looked around Harrods, I cried at the bags, clothes, make up, perfumes, tea and chocolate.

After Harrods, Emma squealed and pinched me. Why was she flailing in the middle of Knightsbridge you ask? Well, opposite Harrods was the National Geographic store, so of course we had to go in.

We wandered around the store, I contemplated buying yet another panda plushie but fought against my impulsive shopping disorder, and we both sat down to a lovely cup of fresh Chai Tea.

© Emma Simpson

After we finished up in National Geographic, we went for a walk around Knightsbridge and ended up in Chelsea. I hadn't walked around Chelsea before, it was absolutely beautiful, the London that I want to live in and pretend I'm in Gossip Girl ... What?

© Emma Simpson

Casually searching for my future home.

© Emma Simpson

I had such a lovely day and it was nice to explore new parts in London. I'm going to try to put up one of these posts at least once a month, I enjoyed writing about something other than beauty, I hope you enjoyed this too. A huge thanks again to Emma for letting me use her photos (I was stupid enough to leave my camera at home). Oh, and if you're wondering if I bought anything, I bought a box of Harrods Earl Grey Tea, I know, how very British of me. 

-Kiran xo

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© Kiran Hayre
Maira Gall