Sunday 6 April 2014

Sunday Ramble - Why Feminism Is Important To Me

Hi I'm Kiran and I'm a feminist and here's a few reasons why.

  1. I shouldn't have to have that sticker on my folder. My body is my body and what I do with it is up to me. If you want to touch it you must have my consent. This shouldn't have to be told, this should be common sense. 
  2. I should be able to walk down the street at any time of the day and feel safe. I hate hearing 'You shouldn't walk alone outside at night, it's dangerous for a girl'. It sucks to hear it and it sucks to know it's true. The amount of times I have walked out of my front door and have received sexual harassment is uncountable. It is absolutely horrible to be jeered/honked/shouted at while walking to the bus stop, I have ended up in tears many times and have screamed in the middle of the street many times too, making me look a little crazy. This SHOULD NOT be a problem. You don't see women rolling down their windows and yelling sexual slurs at men, so why do men do it? 
  3. Casual sexism is accepted. People think it's okay to yell at someone in the street or grope them without consent, because 'it's some sort of compliment'  ... ??? Or 'women belong in the kitchen' jokes are still being made and people still find them amusing, I quite like the punch line where my fist ends in your face. 
  4. She's a slut. Women are called slut, slag, whore all the damn time. Why is it okay for men to have sex with different women or on the first date but if a woman does the same she's labelled as a slut? What is this logic. What is this. I don't understand. Talk about double standards... 
  5. 'Oh, it's fine, he just thinks you're attractive.' 'Well if she was wearing that, she was asking for it.' EXCUSE YOU. What does this even mean? Are you implying if I wear a short skirt on a night out that I am asking to be groped/forced upon/raped? People are allowed to wear whatever they want without fearing unwanted attention. Women are constantly told how not to be raped, but maybe men should be taught not to rape. 
  6. When I go into my chosen career path, I want to be paid the exact same amount as my male equivalent. This one is self-explanatory. Yes, we have come a long way since women not even being able to work, but the pay gap at the moment stands at 15%. Fifteen. Percent. I can't even ... just ... what.
  7. Women are not pieces of meat. We're human beings like you, I know, shock horror, so you know, start treating us like we're humans. We have rights. We're here to do our own thing. We CAN do our own thing. 
I could actually go on forever and ever, and I know these are a little rambley but hey, it's Sunday Ramble. I am just so passionate about this and it pains me to see sexism every single day. I don't want anyone to think I hate men, I don't, don't you know I love Tom Hiddleston? I don't need to justify myself anymore for being a feminist, but I just really wanted to get this out there. Sexism very much still exists, it's just more and more people are starting to realise it. About time too. 

To end this ramble here are a few links which you may find interesting. 1|2|3|4

Hope you're having a lovely Sunday.

-Kiran xo

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© Kiran Hayre
Maira Gall