Tuesday 13 May 2014

Live Below The Line 2014

The time has come for me to step up to the challenge of living below the line. I completed the challenge last year, and this year I decided to do it again but challenge myself even further.

Live Below The Line is a project set up to raise awareness and donations for the 1.2 billion people in the world who live in extreme poverty. They live below the poverty line, meaning they live on just £1 a day for food and drink. The challenge is to live on £1 a day for five days and raise money for your chosen charity.

Last year I participated in the official LBTL week, but this year I was going through finals for university so I didn't want anything to affect my concentration or energy. I felt pretty bad about that... the people who live in poverty don't get to decide when they live in poverty so this year I decided to do it for ten days.

I find the fact that there are still over 1 billion people in the world that go hungry incredibly ridiculous. There is more than enough food for every single person on this planet, so why is it there are people who die from hunger every single day? Thinking about all the food that we waste, the food that could have fed someone for a week, breaks my heart. There is so much injustice in the world, but poverty should not be one of them. Being able to eat and go to bed with a full stomach is a basic human right. And this is why I am fighting against this injustice in the only way I can right now. Live Below The Line is just one step I will take in fighting, and it is a big step. I've completed my first day and I'm already tired and was hungry for most of the day. But I know in 9 days I can return to my fridge and grab whatever I want to eat and this is because I have been blessed and am privileged to do that.

I am raising money for Unicef, a charity I strongly believe in, if you would like to donate I would be ever so grateful for your generosity https://www.livebelowtheline.com/me/kiranreveur. You can find out more about the challenge on the website and you still have time to take part yourself!

Thank you for reading, I hope you're all doing well.

-Kiran xo

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© Kiran Hayre
Maira Gall