Thursday 19 June 2014

The Summer Tag

Hello hello, I am back, it's been a while since I've posted but you know how things go plus I was feeling a little uninspired but I want to get back in the swing of things so today I am doing the Summer tag which I thought was perfect as we have been having lovely weather here in London (did I just jinx it?).

1. What's your favourite thing about Summer?
I love the freedom (although that will be over in a couple of years *cry*), I love spending the lovely hot days doing whatever I want whether it's watching Friends all day, reading (oh my God I love reading in the Summer because I can!!) or laying on the floor and complaining that it's too hot. Ice cream. I also like eating my body weight in ice cream.

2. Do you have a favourite Summer drink?
Iced tea! Nom. It is so refreshing and I'll basically take what I can get even if it's just Lipton bottled iced tea.

3. Is there a location you  like to go to each Summer?
Not particularly, as I have freedom I like to go to as many places as I can.

4. Favourite makeup look for Summer?
A very simple face and eye and a bright lip, I don't like caking on make up in Summer because all my effort will just go to waste aka everything will melt off my face, sexy. I just love getting use out of all my bright lipsticks like MAC Impassioned, hnngg that colour in Summer is gorgeous. 

5. Dresses or skirts?
Oh my, I love both! But I guess dresses cos they are super easy, you just throw it on and bham, you look like you made an effort.... well you kind of did make an effort, le legs are shaved!

6. Sandals or ballet pumps?
I am a ballet pump girl all the way and this is for three reasons, first they are comfortable and cute, second they look good with almost every outfit and thirdly I don't like feet as established before. BUT I am venturing out to the sandal world this Summer, it's just nice to let your feetsies breathe. The funny thing is though, when I'm on holiday I'll wear sandals (see here) without a care in the world but when I get back to London I'm just like nope where are the dollies?

7. Do you prefer to wear your hair up or down in the Summer?
I like both, yes, my lions mane does get too much for me so I'll just throw it up, but I usually start the day with my hair down and end the day with my hair up. 
8. Deep smokey eyes or bold lips?
As previously stated I prefer bold lips, I think smokey eyes are gorgeous in the cooler months. Plus why put in the extra time to blend blend blend when you can chase after the ice cream van outside and eat ice cream?!?

9. Favourite perfume for Summer?
Oh I like this question ehe. Okay so I like a few, Gucci Envy Me, Givenchy Le Secret, Marc Jacobs Daisy, Marc Jacobs Honey, Elizabeth Arden Pretty, Thierry Mugler Womanity - sensing a theme here? Light and floral, I can almost see the flower crown hovering over my head. 

10. Last but not least, favourite music for Summer?
I just listen to whatever I'm in the mood for really, I'm still listening to my favourite songs from Summer 2010 (California Gurls is one of them if you were wondering). But I also like seeing what's in the charts as there are usually some cool 'Summer anthems' which I can bop my head to on the train and 80s dance in my bedroom ... I feel like Boom Clap by Charli XCX is going to be a favourite for me this Summer (plus it's one of the only songs from the TFIOS OST that doesn't make me cry, that and the Swedish Hip Hop song...)

Okies so there we have it, thank you for reading! Sorry if I rambled a bit, I just missed writing and this was a fun tag to do! 

-Kiran xo

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