Thursday 28 August 2014

The Crucible at The Old Vic

I was lucky enough to go see The Crucible performed at The Old Vic theatre on Saturday and I couldn't not talk about it.

I would be quite surprised if you haven't read/studied The Crucible by Arthur Miller (great playwright) but if you haven't here's a quick run down: 1600s, Salem, witches, ahh, lies, court, Christianity, ahh! It's a fantastic and clever play, so if you haven't read it go pick up a copy asap.

I have studied this play three times in Drama and English and I love it, I never get bored of it. So off I went to the theatre to finally see this play performed live. It was incredible. My expectations were blown through the roof. Richard Armitage, yes, Richard Armitage played Proctor and he basically stole the show. I could not keep my eyes off of him (for a few reasons, I digress) but the main reason ... he transformed into Proctor. I have never seen anyone do what he did, never. As a drama student I was floored. He took the character of Proctor and brought him to life in a way I didn't think was possible. Every word, whisper and sob was just so authentic. After the first act was done, I was itching for the second just to hear that one line 'IT IS MY NAME!' and yes, he delivered it perfectly. If you think Daniel Day Lewis did a great job... gheez, you know nothing, Jon Snow.

We had pretty darn good seats so we saw everything; facial expressions, tears, eye contact, everything. I could ramble on and on about Armitage (let's meet for coffee, and I will happily do so) but I need to give the spotlight to the rest of the cast who were also fantastic, I especially loved Giles Corey - perfect casting right there.

(was told off after I took this photo, whoops)

Now let's move on to the set design and lighting - perfect, minimal and perfect.

The whole production had been thought through extremely well, I was even impressed with the blocking of the characters. I've seen quite a few productions but honestly, this may be the best I have ever seen.

Okies, drama geek over and out.

-Kiran xo

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© Kiran Hayre
Maira Gall