Sunday 26 July 2015

Rome, Italy // Photo Diary

Ciao! I recently took a week long trip to Rome. ROME. It was absolutely beautiful and I had the most wonderful time. We did the usual touristy stuff and what not and we had wonderful (if not sometimes unbearable) hot weather.

Ostia Antica


Roman Forum
Spanish Steps

Santa Maria

Domus Aurea

San Giovanni

Villa D'Este

The Vatican

St Peter's

I didn't get to do everything I would have wanted to do whilst in Rome so I will most definitely be returning. And by everything I mean consume more pasta, visit museums, consume more pasta, visit the Trevi Fountain (which was closed while I was there), get Paulo to sing to me, visit the Pantheon and consume more pasta.

My next trip will be in September and I am finally going to Amsterdam! So expect another photo diary then! Oh and if you're wondering if I did any shopping while I was in Rome see here and here ;)

-Kiran xo

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© Kiran Hayre
Maira Gall