Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Dear America

:( (Photo by Isaac Brekken/Getty Images)

Dear America,

I am sorry to the ones who felt you needed Trump to be your next POTUS. I am sorry to the ones who did not vote Trump but are now stuck with him for four years.

The world is shook, surprised, worried, anxious and scared. The day when Britain voted to leave the EU, it was eery, especially in London, (I zero in on London as a Londoner). People were noticeably sad and worried. What did our futures hold for us? What did the futures of our non-white, immigrant friends hold for them?

I have seen quite a few tweets from Trump supporters calling people who clearly did not want Trump as their next president, dramatic, leftards, that they need to shut up and deal with it, and America will be great again. Pause there for a second. American is one of the greatest countries in the world today. You're all wearing stupid hats which contradict that fact. You've let a despicable man tell you otherwise. But let's return to the Trump supporters vs Non-Trump supporters. By you not allowing the non-Trumpies to express their upset, anger, and arguably most importantly, fear on their own platform on social media, you are silencing them. You are telling them their feelings and invalid. And as a non-American who has watched this election grow more and more nasty, let me tell you that their feelings are 100% valid and are shared by the rest of the world.

After Brexit, we saw a rise of hate crimes. And for the first time in my life I was scared of going into a predominantly white area. So don't you dare tell people they are being dramatic and devaluing their feelings. People. Are. Scared. And the people who are scared are mostly female, non white and from the LGBTQ+ community.

I could barely sleep last night, I kept waking up to check the results. As the map became more red, my faith in the system failed. I'm scared for not just you America, but for the rest of the world. You have let a man have access to a lot of power, more power than you think. He has the power to end a lot of lives and cause a lot of devastation. And I do not doubt for a second that he will use and abuse that power.

What's just terrifying and upsetting as a woman is that the other candidate, Hillary Clinton, a woman, yes a woman, was a thousand times more qualified than Trump could ever aspire to be. But her life's work was just snatched from under her, by a pompous, delusional, sexist, dangerous, racist, homophobic, misogynist, dangerous man. Oh, did I say dangerous twice? I like to repeat things for emphasis...emphasis. The straight, white man wins again.

Yes, yes, Hillary had her fair share of wrong doings. We get it, the emails!!!! The emails!!! Look. Let's just put things into perspective a little bit. Emails vs grabbing women by the p***y, insulting women, on trial for statutory rape (did we all just forget about that one?), advocating violence against peaceful protestors, making fun of the disabled, boasting about not paying taxes, sexualising his own daughter, and blatant racism. How oh how as someone like that been elected to become one of the world's leaders?

From the beginning of this election, there has been a rise in hate crimes in America, and it is especially terrifying as you have guns. (Even at a polling station in LA, there was a shooting which left on man dead.) The amount of stupidity I have seen from Trumpies is worrying and at times just simply amusing. Apologies, but it is true. The world laughed, deluding ourselves thinking Trump will never be elected. Oh, how we were wrong. But I don't blame you for being uneducated in the most simple of areas. I blame your educational system. But, for the most part, I blame you for not using your brain, opening your eyes and for being just absolute racist, sexist and homophobic. There is never an excuse for being prejudiced.

Fear was used as a tactic throughout this whole election. Trump never really spoke of any policies, he spoke in a simple manner in which the least educated person could understand him. Fair enough there, sometimes politicians just need to calm down and speak to the people properly. But Trump did not even do that, he was never calm; he was aggressive, manipulative and never really said anything. He promised change. He promised to stop letting Muslims in (wow, just wow). He promised to stop ISIS with a super, secret plan!! He promised to build a wall. That Mexico will pay for. Yeah, good luck with that, buddy. But other than that, what else did he actually say?

So, say goodbye to equal rights, animal rights, pro-choice, equal pay, climate change policies etc. You took one step forward with electing Barack Obama, but you have taken ten steps back with electing the monster that is Donald Trump. Good luck to not only you America, but to the rest of us. Good luck to Trump with building your fucking wall, you absolute plonker.

Someone from over the pond.

I never talk politics here on my blog. But I needed to vent somewhere other than Twitter. This post was not meant to offend anyone but Trump and anyone part of his cult who shares the same racist, sexist, backwards values as their new leader.

2016 can fuck off.


(Disclaimer: This was written as a stream of consciousness. I generally write better than this if is this your first time here. If it is then hi! I usually write about lipsticks xx)

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