Saturday, 22 August 2015

Finding The Good in Everyday

Sometimes it's easy to forget just how lucky we are. We let the small stresses of life get to us and it clouds our vision, it stops us from seeing what's right there in front of us.

I don't want this post to be cheesy, corny, sappy or whatever, I just want it to be real. I just want people to know that there is always a silver lining. In every situation, something good emerges. I've had many ups and downs in my 21 years of existence, yet I remain a happy woman. Why? Because I try.

From January 1st 2015 I have kept a journal where I write down at least one good thing that happened that day. Now on some days it has been hard to find something good, but I always find something even if it's something small as 'Tinkerbell gave me a kiss.' 'A stranger made me smile.' 'That hug helped.' And some days I'll write half a page. No matter how much I write, it always makes me smile. This little trick has kept me thinking and feeling positive. At the end of the year I can look back and read through what made me smile each day and the warmth and love I'll feel will be incredible.

This idea is similar to what I did last year and the year before; I wrote down good memories and placed them into a jar and on New Year's Eve I open the jar and go through the memories. However the great thing with this idea is that I have something good to say about everyday rather than every so often.

I asked some people who are close to me what they do to pick themselves up or how they find their silver lining.

'Have a bath.'

'Think about people in a worse situation than you, failing that have a drink and listen to good music.'

'Do something you enjoy doing. Put your mind into something productive.'

'Cuddle Bun.' (If you do not have access to Bun please find something else which is equally as fluffy and cute).

'Scribble in a free writing notebook.'


'Make a bed nest and read stories.'

Reflection is key to happiness, I believe. Reflection on who you are, the people around you, the decisions you are making and where you are in life. But cuddling Bun is also pretty great.

-Kiran xo

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Maira Gall