Sunday 17 May 2020

Lockdown Morning Routine

8am: Wake up. Michael hands me my cup of tea, says good morning, I grunt back and slowly open my puffy eyes (send help) to scroll through TimeHop, Instagram, Twitter and Messenger.

8.20am: Go to the bathroom to do bathroom stuff including my skincare routine. Lockdown skincare consists of: sometimes cleansing with my Soap & Glory Face, Soap & Clarity cleanser, patting in some Liz Earle eye cream, a few drops of The Ordinary Niacinamide and then a generous amount of Liz Earle moisturiser. Final step is Revitalash.

8:30am: Change into my wfh uniform which is always gym clothes. Lil bit of yoga. Currently doing Yoga with Kassandra's 10 min morning yoga. Actually really helps with feeling a bit more productive in the mornings.

8:45am: 5 min make-up routine so I can look presentable for my work video call at 9am. Sometimes I'll use a pump of Glossier Future Dew, but only when I'm feeling fancy. I dab a bit of concealer under my eyes, the Elf 16 Hour Camo is my go-to at the moment. Blend that in with either a small buffing brush or my finger. Brush my brows through, apply a bit of Soap & Glory Archery Powder, I like this at the moment because it is SO quick and easy, it's definitely not precise but does the job. Brush the brows again, then go through them with my ABH Clear Brow Gel. Then sometimes I'll sweep some bronzer on, but usually I'll skip that step and go straight in with some blush. Lotsa mascara, then a bright lippie.

9:00am: Run to the living room to make it just in time for my 9am call. If I have two mins spare, I'll make a coffee. Appearing on the VC with a lil bit of makeup and a coffee instantly makes you look like you have your life together when in reality I'm out of breath from my 2 step run from kitchen to sofa.

I honestly do not know how I'm going to adjust back to normal life lol

Sunday 27 May 2018

Kiran's Declassified Summer Survival Guide

Tell me you love the title of this blog post... Okay hi, I'm Kiran, I have some extra fat on my body so I call myself fat. Sometimes I say it in a hurtful and hateful manner (which I need to work on, I know, I know) but I also say it in a matter-of-a-fact manner. I have some extra chub rolls on my stomach, my arms a little flabby, my thighs are (gloriously) thick but are no longer toned so I am prone to the dreaded chub rub. Bare in mind, anyone whose thighs touch will probably suffer from a little bit of chub rub.

Thursday 1 March 2018

9 Tips On How To Shop Cruelty Free

I've been shopping cruelty free for a year now which means I only buy products (from make up to cleaning products) that are not tested on animals and I don't support brands that sell in China. The EU have a law which bans animal testing within the EU which is great, but that doesn't mean a brands sold in the EU are all cruelty free. I will be honest though and say I still have not found a cruelty free alternative to a few things such as toothpaste and laundry powder/conditioner but I'm still on the hunt!

Sunday 31 December 2017

Glossier Review

I have been dabbling into the world of Glossier (referral link which will get you 10% off) since September and I have some thoughts about this obvious future cult brand which has taken the beauty industry by storm.

Sunday 18 June 2017

The Ordinary Colours and Primer Review

Wow, so my camera died on me whilst taking photos for this post, so I had to take this photo from my Instagram, sigh. But I wanted to get this review up anyway as a few people have asked me for my thoughts and I thought it'd best if I just wrote them up and posted on my very neglected blog.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Where I Shop For Beauty Online

Ahh, shopping for makeup and other beauty related favourite type of shopping, (food comes in at a close second). I thought today I would share where I mainly shop for beauty. I just find I run to these websites when I need some retail therapy or just genuinely need a new somet somet.

© Kiran Hayre
Maira Gall